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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Steven Tyler Quits?

After four decades of industry changing- billboard topping- stadium filling music; the front man of the great Aerosmith has left the building. It is rumored that Steven Tyler has checked himself into rehab after 20 years of sobriety. Could this be a deciding factor in his decision to quit the band? Joe Perry is quoted to have said that “(Steven) just doesn’t answer phone calls anymore" and " I think he is going to be gone for a while." So what is going to become of the Hall of Fame band?

Does this mean that we should be whipping out our leather pants and signing up for auditions? Well not quite yet according to Perry. "As far as replacing Steve, it’s not just about that, it’s also four guys that play extremely well together, and I’m not going to see that go to waste. I really don’t know what path it’s going to take at this point" Perry said.

Either way I can’t help feeling a little disheartened by the recent happenings and I just hope that there can be some sort of reconciliation. Frets will be following the story with a close eye and keep you posted on the Steven Tyler debacle.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Cool New Toolbar!

Hey Great News!
Lets Talk About Frets has partnered with Conduit Technologies and created a great toolbar for all of our followers called "Frets".

Its safe and secure and it has a link directly to this blog as well as our other favorite blogs right on the toolbar itself! In addition to the links it has: an Email Notifier that will alert you when you get a new email, a Weather Alert that will tell you the forcast of the area you live in, a Gadgets Bar where you can choose multiple gadgets from a huge selection to add to your toolbar, and a Frets Custom Radio that is customized by us so you can hear as much guitar as possible.

Just click on the image that says "Download Our Toolbar" then hit save.


Lets Talk About Frets

He're at Lets Talk About Frets, we know what guitar passion is all about. The writers all play guitar. They all love guitar. Ranging ages from twenty years old,to "I'm not telling" years old, we know whats going on with the young guitarists as well as the more seasoned ones(and often times in their defense more talented). Guitar is more than just six strings and twenty-two frets.. its a passion. Its not a hobby. Its a lifestyle. People name their guitars. BB has Lucille and SRV has Lenny. Who names their piano?

This blog was founded by people who understand the passion behind the guitar, for the people who understand the passion for guitar. So we promise when you get on you are gonna hear some shocking guitar news, learn some new guitar trick, or read a funny interview with a guitar god. Either way you're going to connect with a blog just as passionate about the guitar as you. So rock on guys.

Ivan Gomez

John Mayer: Battle Studies

One of the greatest living guitarists and he has plenty of time ahead of him, John Mayer has come out with a new album. Personally, I consider him to be near the top of the guitarist pyramid of power (as far as ability, as well as creativity and or ingenuity is concerned). Here is the Rolling Stones article about the great John Mayer's upcoming album: Battle Studies.

John Mayer — what a curious case. As a pop personality, the guy's a barrel of laughs. He's a tabloid fixture who wears his celebrity with a wink: modeling Borat's onesie swimsuit, starring in goofy YouTube videos, and generally disarming, with wit and self-deprecation, the millions inclined to hate a starlet-shagging guitar virtuoso. But then Mayer steps into a studio, and the fun spigot claps shut. It's as if Mayer, burdened by his status as heir apparent to the Clapton-Sting-Knopfler tradition of classy pop-rock classicism, pulls on a mask: the Furrowed Middlebrow.

There's no doubting the man's chops. Battle Studies is a real study in craftsmanship and understated guitar ninja-dom, and musos will thrill to Mayer's deconstruction of Robert Johnson's "Crossroads." But the solemnity is suffocating. On "Heartbreak Warfare," Mayer delivers U2-style guitar and strained war metaphors: "Clouds of sulfur in the air/Bombs are falling everywhere." That bust-up with Jennifer Aniston was bad, but was it really like the firebombing of Tokyo?

Battle Studies is terrific when Mayer drops the seriousness, pondering and sending up his reputation as a rake. On "Half of My Heart," with Taylor Swift, Mayer plays the dude who kisses with one eye open, scanning for his next conquest. Then there's the folk-pop single "Who Says," the confession of a dope-smoking roué: "I don't remember you looking any better/But then again, I don't remember you." Turns out, loose, louche, funny Mayer isn't just good for publicity. It's good for art.

Judy Rosen : The Rolling Stone
Nov 10, 2009 available at: